Thingergy Inc. makes things. 99.999% of the time the things we make belong to the titles we make them for – video games, theme parks, museums, movies, etc. They aren’t our property to sell or otherwise, but every now and then we make things that we CAN offer the public.
Free things!
Free stuff!
Why not!
Every now and then we make things that we find useful for ourselves and we get to share it with the world for free.
Measurement Chart
Please enjoy this these measurement charts we created from scratch from the master minds of Thingergy. After fighting with a copy of a copy of a copy of your grandmothers measurement chart that we use daily we decided it was time to make our own. We worked with our sewists to create the best version of a measurement chart we could. Go forth and be measured!

Work Order Form
Any project work doing is worth doing well. We designed these work-order forms for Thingergy to make sure we get all the information we need to accomplish a project and stay organized. Now you can use it too if you want!